On 09/06/2012 18:16, Adrian Ives wrote:
I am sorry to announce that I have taken the decision to withdraw from
developing QL hardware. In the current economic climate, it is no longer
practical to devote resources to such a small (almost non-existent)
market, and I need to concentrate my energies elsewhere.

Unfortunately this means that I have withdrawn from the QL-SD project. I
understand that Peter is talking with other parties who may be more able
to bring the QL-SD to market. I wish them all the best and will make
available the source code for the already written drivers to allow this
to happen as painlessly as possible.

Plans for Q-BUS have also been shelved.

Thank you to the few people who have expressed a genuine interest in new
QL hardware.

This is truly a shame - I don't know whether there will be anyone willing to step forward to finish the QL-SD Project now as there does not appear anyone interested in making hardware for the QL - compare that to the ZX81 and the ZX Spectrum.

It seems Adrian has fallen the way of so many people who look to build items for retro computers - there is just general apathy, in that if you announce a project, hardly anyone contacts you to express their support - however, once there is a viable product on the market, then people become more interested.

The ZXpand for the ZX81 was discussed by maybe 6 people people whilst in the design stage - but once available, we have sold over 150 units in 18 months !

Hopefully, the source code for the drivers will be made available as soon as possible - as this is at least some of the important side of things.

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services
Specialist Enuuk Auction Programming Services


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