Been snowing all night here, although the heavy snow only started about 9am - certainly would not risk driving out of the village at the moment (about 4 inches of snow by the look of it) - still we might get lucky, the council did come and throw some grit off the back of a lorry one day last winter...

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

As usual, the main roads are gritted and our hill is gritted only as far as the school turning which gives drivers a false sense of security and they end up insisting on taking idiotic levels of risk with the rest of the hill rather than turning back. I feel like going to build a snow barrier both ends of the hill just to stop these idiotic people taking mindless risks trying to use it. One driver just skidded off the road and ended up inches from Ann's car in the parking bays outside our house. Even 4x4s are failing.

As long as power stays on in these high winds, I should be able to get a lot of work done on my QL projects today at least :-)

Stay indoors and program your QLs today, everyone!

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