Hi Urs,

I did not want to be or sound offending in any way or quip as you say.

Look, no problem at all.
I just wanted to give this some levity (by, ahem, Quipping).

I just wanted to express my very personal opinion that I find the product's
name not as great as the product itself - which I expressed already that I
find it great! - and think that its name somehow limits its real potential

That's exactly what I understood.

It's just that I disagree with you on the "potential" of this.

(from the marketing side and in spreading sense) to be bound to (ex) QLers
and the emulation scene (retro oriented). I see the product (yes, the 68K
emulation based virtual machine, the OS SMSQ/E and the shell/cli/programming
language SBASIC) more in the direction of an easy to setup and use
programming environment and am making a squint to JRuby (a Python
implementation for the Java Virtual Machine) and Jython (a Python
implementation for the Java Virtual Machine).

Perhaps I'm too cynical?

I think I don't have to prove my attachment to all things QLy, but I just don't see this happening.

Question : if my kids would want to start programming, would I give them a SuperBasic machine? Probably not.

If someone wanted a quick (and dirty?) machine to do some development on a PC would I recommend a SuperBasic machine? Probably not (no Internet access, a windowing system that will require serious effort to get something nice on the screen - by nice I mean something akin to modern windowing systems, Win7, gnome, kde etc...!).

Do I believe that SMSQmulator will draw in people who never heard of the QL (or SMSQ/E etc) before? No.

This is why I don't believe that the name will have any importance...

BTW, there is nothing to stop you re-packaging SMSQmulator under another name, and/or with another boot program etc...!!!.


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