Op Wed, 20 Mar 2013 09:26:31 +0100 schreef Tony Firshman <t...@firshman.co.uk>:

Timothy Swenson wrote, on 19/Mar/13 23:42 | Mar19:
On 3/19/2013 4:13 PM, nor...@dunbar-it.co.uk wrote:
It is produced using the Scribus publishing package which is available
for free,form Linux, Windows and Mac (as far as I know).

I've been a user of Scribus for about 6 years.  I did an e-zine for
about three years.  I have some problems with the work flow of Scribus,
mostly updating older documents, but something like QL Today would be
fairly easy.

I'm willing to volunteer to do the layout if others are interested in
writing the articles.  The end result will be a full color PDF file that
can them be e-mail or hosted (like Dave Park who has volunteered his

For those who have little or no Internet access, a volunteer in the UK
or in Europe can print out copies and charge for it and the mailing
costs.  I'm guessing that the print copies will mostly be in the UK.  I
don't know if there will be many in Europe.

Am I missing something here?
Any software under any system, be it Windows, Linux or Mac, can print to pdf.


Most Office text software thinks the content is more important than the layout.
They will mess up the layout to make the text fit.
Publishing software like Scribus is more layout oriented, stick to it tell you when the text needs more room.
A big difference from a designers point of view.


The BSJR QL software site at: http://members.upc.nl/b.spelten/ql/
QL-Users Mailing List

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