On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 9:56 AM, DougL <externa...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> Hi Dave et al,
> I'm a moderate possibility for co-work on joomla today :-) having worked a
> smidgeon (only one :-) on CMS before retirement, if telework would be
> possible. Content mainly? Tech at a distance, arm waving at a distance, is
> problematical though.

Yes, that would be great :)

Since this 'server' will be around for a long time, running 24/7/365, I
decided to not use one of my clunking 8-core beasts which would be very
OTT. I have a cute little Mac Mini around here. I will install an SSD, max
out the RAM, and install Scientific Linux and Joomla, then spend a week or
so picking at it to theme and shape the site to something I suspect will
appeal to most users. I'm guessing the mini server will draw a far smaller
amount of power, and therefore minimise long-term costs.

For the interested: It'll have 4GB RAM, a T7200 Core 2 Duo @ 2GHz, and a
120GB Samsung 440 Pro SSD. I'll remove the Combo drive to reduce power draw
just a little more. It's already been modified to run headless,and gone
from 1,1 to 2,1 EFI. It will be virtually silent, and perfectly adequate
for our foreseeable needs.

I also offer to create a bi-monthly or quarterly "digest" in PDF magazine
form, and can create a mailing list for those who would just like the
digest PDF.

I'll post again when it's up and will happily take any and all feedback.

*Additionally, I'd like to say that although I am not a subscriber, I am
very sad to see QL Today go. If you read QL Today and you're not a member
of Quanta, use the subscription money to join before we lose yet another
essential yet diminishing resource.*

Dave Park
Sandy Electronics, LLC
QL-Users Mailing List

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