Hi all,

I recently came upon a nice Sbasic rounding/ conversion problem, when a program that worked OK on other machines didn't work correctly on SMSQmulator.

After much headscratching, I was able to pinpoint the problem, which was a general SBasic problem, not related to SMSQmulaor after all (phew)...

Basically, what a user did was get a number (say, a), a normal Sbasic floating point number (but the number was an integer). Convert that to a string and later back to a number (say, b). Both numbers (a and b) no longer were equal.

Something like;

100 CLS
110 a=$5E84320
120 PRINT "a = ";a,HEX$(a,32)
130 a$=a
140 PRINT "a$= ";a$
150 b=a$
160 PRINT "b = ";b,HEX$(b,32)

In line 110, a is given a big integer value. In line 130, a is converted to a string and in line 150 b is converted into a float from that string.

From the hex values printed, it is easy to see that both numbers, a and b, are different.

The problem stems from the conversion float -> string
Marcel Kilgus proposed the following solution, to convert an SBasic floating point INTEGER to a string.

DEFine FuNction FP2DEC$(val)
  RETurn FDEC$(val, INT(LN(val) / LN(10)) + 1, 0)

You can check this, as follows :

100 CLS
110 a=$5E84320
120 PRINT "a = ";a,HEX$(a,32)
130 a$=a
140 PRINT "a$= ";a$
150 b=a$
160 PRINT "b = ";b,HEX$(b,32)
170 c$=FP2DEC$(a)
175 PRINT "c$ =";c$
180 d=c$
190 PRINT "d = ";d,HEX$(d,32)
200 :
250 DEFine FuNction FP2DEC$(val)
260   RETurn FDEC$(val, INT(LN(val) / LN(10)) + 1, 0)
270 END DEFine

a and d are equal...


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