
> More or less. I was really wondering why QDOS doesn't have a vector
> setting long words to ASCII

Perhaps this will help.

; on entry, D0 = long int to convert to ascii
; A0 = space for ascii chars
; D1-D3,D7 : smashed
cvtlong   CMP.L     #$80000000,D0
          BEQ.S     oor                 ; don't convert this
          LEA       table,A2
          MOVEQ     #11,D1
          MOVEQ     #0,D7
          BTST      #31,D0              ; is it minus?
          BEQ.S     binlop1
          NEG.L     D0
          BSET      #0,D7
binlop1   SUBQ.W    #1,D1               ; get rid of excess 0s
          CMP.L     (A2)+,D0
          BLT.S     binlop1
          SUBQ.L    #4,A2
MOVE.W D1,(A0)+ ; this will be length of final figure
          TST.W     D7                  ; was it minus?
          BEQ.S     binlop2
          ADDQ.W    #1,-2(A0)
          MOVE.B    #'-',(A0)+
binlop2   MOVE.L    (A2)+,D3            ; merci Thierry!
          MOVEQ     #-$30,D2
binlop3   SUB.L     D3,D0
DBMI D2,binlop3 ; sub this until neg (i.e. subbed too much)
          NEG.B     D2
          MOVE.B    D2,(A0)+            ; figure now
          ADD.L     D3,D0               ; overshot one
          DBRA      D1,binlop2          ; do it until no more...
cvtout    MOVEQ     #0,D0

oor       MOVEQ     #-4,D0

table     dc.l      1000000000
          dc.l      100000000
          dc.l      10000000
          dc.l      1000000
          dc.l      100000
table2    dc.l      10000
          dc.l      1000
          dc.l      100       ; 64
          dc.l      10
          dc.l      1


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