Op Thu, 16 May 2013 15:47:04 +0200 schreef Marcel Kilgus <ql-us...@mail.kilgus.net>:

Bob Spelten wrote:
When I execute the following line on Aurora:


I do get the right "plum" colour but only every second pixel, so a
vertically striped window.
The same is true for any other colour I tried, the right colour but
striped (with black).
This also happens on QPC2 set to mode 16.
SMSQmulator seems to ignore COLOUR_NATIVE altogether, no paper is changed.

This is an old "feature" but I don't think it was ever explained.

That's because it's a bug, not a feature ;) You can do PAPER $0F0F
until this is fixed in the next SMSQ/E release, which I gather will
happen soonish.


I am updating QCoCo and came across a remark about it in the manual.
Now I can write that it will be fixed in SMSQ/E v3.16.;)


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