Morning Wolfgang,

On 30/05/13 17:11, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:

Because you can't define "something went belly up in an exceptional
manner" ?

Sorry, feeble attempt at humour. What I meant was something causing the processor to raise an exception. It would be nice to see something along the lines of:

* What exception took place;
* Where, as closely as possible, it took place;
* Register dump;
* Possibly, the instruction that caused all the trouble. If possible.

I realise that it's never going to be even close to 100% helpful, but every little helps.

Example : When developping SMSQmulator, and debugging some 68K
instruction code, I'd often get things wrong.
> ....
So, this is a real belly up, right?

Yes, that's a proper belly up.

Err, but running things like some C programs (e.g. Bogomips) under
SMSQmulator always produces one "illegal instruction" error.

I never knew that.

Pretty serious belly up? Nope, this is done on purpose by these programs
to find out on what kind of processor they run. it's a strange but legal
way of doing things...

That's my "learned something new" for today then. Thanks. I presume they execute an ILLEGAL instruction ($4AFB I think?) and trap it somehow?

The only processor test I know of is move.l a7,-(a7) - some processors stack the current A7 and others the decremented A7. (Can't remember which though!)

I didn't know that some C code executed an ILLEGAL.

There is no easy way to define when a program goes haywire.
I remember that some old games would completely take over the machine,
overwriting many of the normal QDOS datastructures etc... Again that
could be considered an indication of a program gone bonkers...

Yes, I agree, that is bonkers.

Even under SMSQmulator, which has a monitor built in, it's difficult to
find out exactly when something goes wrong (sorry for the pitch).

No worries, I like it! And yes, it's not always useful, but it can be useful. That's better than never being useful surely?

I'm afraid that this will remain a dream, along with, for example,
longer filenames etc...

Ha! Don't start me on filenames. I still don't understand why the file flp1_test_program_test_bin needs its full path name in every segment of the path.

flp1_ has test_program_test_bin.

flp1_test_ also has test_program_test_bin.

flp1_test_program_ also has test_program_test_bin.

And so on. Surely:

flp1_ needs only test_.

flp1_test_ needs only program_.

flp1_test_program_ needs only test_bin.

That way, even with only 36 characters allocated for a file name, each directory level would allow 36 characters.

Sorry, I got started! End rant! :-)


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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