On 19/09/2013 15:16, Ian Pine wrote:
> My final (for the foreseeable future) QL Today arrived this morning.
> I'm exploring the DVD. I've got both QPC2 and SMSQmlator (Java7 on Vista) 
> running. SMSQmulator runs fine directly from the DVD but not much use with 
> read-only filesystem. I copied all the files from DVD to a folder and ran it 
> from there but keep getting this message: Can't read SMSQ/E file! : 
> java.io.IOException: The process cannot access the file because another 
> process has locked a portion of the file.

I haven't tried this yet, sorry.
Off the top of my head, make sure the file can actually be written to -
often files copied from a DVD stay read only.


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