Skype is the only stable mass market video platform that allows multiple
callers/conferencing that is PC, Mac and Linux compatible and free to use.
That's why I use it.


On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 10:57 AM, Mark Martin <>wrote:

> Recent discussions about holding a physical meeting have gotten me
> thinking. Someone mentioned skyping as a possibility, and I can tell you
> that another retro computing group (the CoCo group) have held online-only
> events in the past. These were very informal and low-key, and while they
> were repeated only a handful of times, they were extremely easy to
> coordinate.
> Along that line, I'm offering for your consideration two proposals:
> -- The informal approach is that I will lead an effort to determine the
> most common IM program used among interested parties (hopefully Skype). I
> will collect contact information and then schedule a first call. I'll try
> to gather consensus on a schedule and an agenda. In other words, I will
> facilitate and then happily let others lead discussions they are interested
> in.
> -- The Big Bang approach is to model after what the virtual tabletop
> role-playing conventions do -- they host schedules for individual tables,
> and allow interested parties to lead those "tables". They allow signup for
> these tables and coordinate all of the interested parties into a
> (essentially) private meeting space. These are essentially a large online,
> virtual convention -- but focused on smaller interest topics (in this case,
> individual role playing game sessions). I could perhaps leverage websites
> that cater to this type of convention and, again, help facilitate smaller
> groups to get together at various times over some pre-planned convention
> weekend.
> I do not intend to step on Quantas toes here as I know they are separately
> trying to schedule a more robust and higher scale venture. I'm more
> interested in seeing if there is interest in something a lot less formal,
> on the side, and not necessarily tied to any Quanta business -- global in
> scale. I have very little to no budget to do this, although I believe there
> isn't much need for such a budget.  This is mostly a volunteer time kind of
> thing for all parties.
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> QL-Users Mailing List

Dave Park
Sandy Electronics, LLC
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