----- Original Message ----- From: "Davide Santachiara" <d.santachi...@libero.it>
To: <ql-us...@q-v-d.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2013 10:20 PM
Subject: [Ql-Users] R: QLis30 programme

Dear Geoff,

Indeed the last QL event in Italy (2008) has been a "rendez-vous" between QL enthusiasts (active and non active) which was held in the company for which
I work. That means the cost was zero besides for travels and a lunch event
which was of course also one of the reasons for the people to join again
from different parts of Italy.

I agree that even if the event was attended by a relatively low number of
people it has been very interesting and it was very nice to have the telecon with Daniele Terdina in the US. Anybody interested could check the report at
this address:


It is not unlikely we will organize a similar event sometimes in Spring

Best regards


I'm not sure which country is preferred to hold an event but I could not justify the expense of travelling outside UK at the moment.

If to be held in UK what about seeing if something could be done in co-operation with The National Museum of Computing http://www.tnmoc.org, perhaps at their place in Bletchley Park? One advantage is that there would be plenty of other computing history, aside from the QL, to attract visitors.

I've been meaning to make another visit to Bletchley Park for ages, so a one-day QL event there would certainly coax me out of my armchair.

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