Hi everyone

On an entirely different topic, and perhaps naively, can I ask how to query a window in SBASIC to discover the current Paper/Strip and Ink settings - specifically after using the COLOUR_PAL command in QPC2?

My aim is to (arbitrarily) manipulate the colours on a window that's passed to my SBASIC routine and to then reset the colours back to what they were on entry, before returning.

When using the default QL (8 colour) palette, the current Paper etc, could be found in the window's channel definition block at offsets 68 - 70 (decimal). Old-school, but effective, seeing as there doesn't appear to be a trap or vectored routine to officially query such properties of a window.

Once the 256 colour palette is selected, the values at these offsets appear to get hammered (or at least reset to zero, regardless of what is set through the PAPER/STRIP and INK commands.)

Am I missing something really obvious?

Thanks in advance,

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