On 4 Nov 2013, at 22:49, Martyn Hill wrote:

> On an entirely different topic, and perhaps naively, can I ask how to query a 
> window in SBASIC to discover the current Paper/Strip and Ink settings - 
> specifically after using the COLOUR_PAL command in QPC2?
> My aim is to (arbitrarily) manipulate the colours on a window that's passed 
> to my SBASIC routine and to then reset the colours back to what they were on 
> entry, before returning.
> When using the default QL (8 colour) palette, the current Paper etc, could be 
> found in the window's channel definition block at offsets 68 - 70 (decimal). 
> Old-school, but effective, seeing as there doesn't appear to be a trap or 
> vectored routine to officially query such properties of a window.
> Once the 256 colour palette is selected, the values at these offsets appear 
> to get hammered (or at least reset to zero, regardless of what is set through 
> the PAPER/STRIP and INK commands.)
> Am I missing something really obvious?

The colour words for paper and strip are at positions $66 and $68 in the 
channel block for a particular CON/SCR. The address of the channel block for 
channel number n (system channel number NOT BASIC channel number) is in the nth 
long word from the start of the channel base ($2BC60).

If you are using QPC2 and GD2 colours and the default palette, the colour word 
for mustard, number 16 is $9480. Suppose you set COLOUR_PAL and then PAPER 16 
then when you look at the positions $66 and $68 of the channel block you will 
see $8094 because of the byte reversal. 

If you now set STRIP 2, you will see $00F8 in position $68, since $F800 is the 
word for red and palette number 2 is, normally, red.


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