On 11/11/2013 19:54, Geoff Wicks wrote:
On 11/11/2013 19:14, Derek Stewart wrote:
On 10/11/13 16:57, Geoff Wicks wrote:
On 09/11/2013 20:27, Derek Stewart wrote:
On 09/11/13 16:21, Norman Dunbar wrote:
Evening all,

new job, no time for hardly anything at the moment, so a serious delay
in replying.

In the event of there being a QL is 30 event, in the UK or abroad, it is
highly unlikely that I would attend.



Why not have a QL Show in each country and we support each other...

How very kind of you to offer to organise and finance the UK event!

Best Wishes,

QL-Users Mailing List

Please do not be silly...

I am not being silly. You are the one that's being silly.

Someone has to organise a UK show and Quanta has refused to do it,

Best wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Hey, Hang on Geoff,

I cannot find any record of QUANTA "refusing to organise a UK show" - ever.

Who's organised the AGM weekend for the past decade or so?

If QUANTA have failed to organise the right TYPE of event, then that's a different issue. It hasn't been for the want of asking for someone else (or some other sub-group) to put on a suitable event that QUANTA can use to hold their AGM at.

I seem to recall that it was you who condemned one of the very few other offers of help as "unsuitable venue" - a point that the QUANTA Committee had to agree with after receiving your report.

Another occasion of  "You die if you do and you die if you don't" I think!!

Can YOU get information from the QUANTA Membership regarding just what they do want?

Regards to all,

John Gilpin.
QUANTA Membership Secretary.

QL-Users Mailing List

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