I have had two other requests for a 16MB address range, so I will add

I am concerned that placing them on the pins you suggest could create
unnecessary difficulties for 2-layer designs. I will look at options and
take further suggestions before making a revision.

Thanks for your input :)


On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 7:00 AM, Malcolm Lear <malc...@essex.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> Nice idea. I feel that it would be diligent to go for at least 4 more
> address lines (I need at least 16 mb with QPC). With that in mind it might
> be good to place them to match the new extended data lines ie A20 - 23 on
> pins C15 - C18.
> Cheers,
> Malcolm
> On 14/01/2014 11:45, Dave Park wrote:
>> A proposal for an extension of the J1 expansion connector to three rows.
>> The intent is for it to be backwards compatible with all traditional
>> 64-pin
>> expansion cards.
>> The purpose of the 96-pin expansion connector is:
>> * to increase address and data space for 32-bit CPUs by adding D8-D31 and
>> A20,A21
>> * improve grounding
>> * to release some pins that were never used in any expansion: RED, GREEN,
>> * to retain full backwards compatibility
>> The version number of this proposal is currently V0.1
>> This proposal is based on my experience with 68008, 68000 and 68020 CPUs.
>> Other CPUs may take advantage of different features. If you're aware of
>> changes that would facilitate the widest range of CPUs, please let me
>> know.
>> The QL Forum (http://www.qlforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=729) will be
>> used for a consultation period lasting until February 28th 2014. After
>> that, the resulting expansion will be considered defined. The standard
>> will
>> be under continual review, but any changes will be backwards compatible to
>> ensure interoperability. All future expansions can optionally use the
>> traditional DIN41612 2-row connector, or the expanded 3-row connector.
>> This
>> will be an open standard. If any party intends to make a motherboard or
>> expansion that uses the new standard, they can use it royalty free and
>> without obtaining consent. I, Dave Park, will maintain the standard, and
>> will take requests for designation of available pins by mounting a
>> discussion like this one, then adopting and revising the standard. Any
>> reasonable proposal can be adopted after a 14 day consultation period in a
>> public forum.
>> Video:
>> To my knowledge, the RED, GREEN, BLUE, VSYNC and HSYNC pins were never
>> used
>> on any mass-produced expansion. Because of their purpose, expansion cards
>> neither tied these to ground or connected them in any way. Further, these
>> lines introduce a lot of noise across the board. It is proposed to
>> deprecate these tags, and to make a12 "A19" and b13 "A20" - thereby
>> expanding the address range. If anyone knows of any reasonable objection,
>> or benefit to address lines beyond A21 (4MB), please discuss below.
>> Additional lines:
>> Adding row C allows 32 extra pins. This allows the extension of DATA lines
>> to encompass 32-bit CPUs. It also allows the expansion of the 68008's
>> combined IPL0/2 to two separate lines, IPL0 and IPL2.
>> Two pairs of ground pins are provided in row c. This serves a dual
>> purpose:
>> the primary purpose is to allow improved grounding to expansions. The
>> secondary purpose is that, by the addition of two jumpers, it is possible
>> to prevent accidental wrong insertion of a 2-row card in a 3-row socket in
>> the -BC position.
>> The provisional revised expansion connector is listed at
>> http://www.qlforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=729  Changes are highlighted
>> in green. Changes that generate ongoing discussion will be changed to
>> yellow, and changes that create controversy will be highlighted in red.
>> If you do not wish to join the QL Forum, discussion here will be reflected
>> in the standard also.
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Sandy Electronics, LLC
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