On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Peter <pg...@q40.de> wrote:

> Petri Pellinen wrote:
> > Nice thing about the W5300 is that it has a TCP/IP stack implemented on
> the
> > chip which makes the driver *much* simpler to implement.
> I had a working native TCP/IP stack plus applications a decade ago, so in
> my case, the easier way is trying to reuse that.
That's very impressive. It's a shame that the solution was not more

> As always, I can not promise when I can finish something. So if you have
> already implemented a lot of things around the W5300 and plan to finish
> soon, don't let my info regarding the CP2200 hinder you.

Ok... Based on that comment it seems that for clarity's sake I have to
state the following explicitly:

I am *not* associated in any way with Dave's project. I had two motivations
for posting my reply to Dave's message:
1) To point out a reason I personally chose the W5300 chip for a home
project - this difference between the discussed chips was not stated in
earlier emails so I thought it might add information to the discussion
2) To express my general curiosity about what a "driver" means in this case
since this was not 100% clear to me.

Also, I am NOT advocating the use of any specific chip for any purpose

And following your cue, I'm also not making any promises or offering any
implementations around any chipset.
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