Op Sun, 02 Feb 2014 12:16:15 +0100 schreef Marcel Kilgus <ql-us...@mail.kilgus.net>:

Marcel Kilgus wrote:
I hope the new QPC2 release works for everyone, I took great care to
get every scenario for the installer right, but I didn't exactly have
much time to get this thing out of the door...

There was a bug in the installer that created the qpc.ini and
qpcdemo.win files write protected when installing using the "all
users" option. This has been fixed. Also, the default qpc.ini file
suppressed the config dialog, which has been fixed, too.

It's still 4.01 as QPC itself has not changed.

This was the first time I used the Installer for QPC2, I had to!
It worked without problems to my non default folder.
And even pick up on my old SMSQ/E settings.

Also congratulations with a new bit of Kilgus, not much of a byte at this stage.


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