John Alexander wrote:

> Question here is what instructions are missing I don't think that the Amiga 
> ran an entirely different 

Not "missing" but "incorrectly implemented", which is far worse.

The bugs I'm talking about only occur under rare circumstances.
By now, the Q68 is already debugged well enough to run the QDOS Classic
and Minerva operating systems correctly, but not all QL driver and
application software. For example TK2 and the pointer environment are
not in harmony although they work separately.

> 68K instruction set. Yes may be the instruction coverage may be different but 
> in practice most sequences
> are going to be covered. Also there are several 68K cores so the question is 
> also which one.

I tested all non-commercial 68K cores and found bugs in all of them.
TG68 and successors seem better than the rest, but I still haven't found
all of it's bugs.

> Yep I know the other question is who fixes it all ???

Fixing is relatively easy, the much harder part is to find which
instruction had caused a crash or wrong behaviour.

> By the sounds of things some one feels volunteered ?
> Either way  who knows what needs to be fixed ?!

Nobody yet. Finding out what else needs to be fixed is the main
challenge. Could be only one more instruction. If I had not spent a
terrible amount of time for QL-SD I might have found it already.


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