As Marcel (and others) found out to his cost, emails to me with attachments 
don’t get through to me on the email address I use for this list, even when 
flagged as safe senders in Windows Dead Mail.

Worse, since the emails to my own website domain are forwarded via the same 
ISP, those are being blocked too.

If you need to send me anything with an attachment, use one of my other email 
addresses if you know them, or send me an email without attachment first and 
I’ll tell you which email address to use.

And if anyone feels like blowing up EE/Orange I’ll happily support them in 
doing so – I can’t even login on it using Internet Explorer, and Firefox takes 
me to a random page after logging in. Their Contact Us form’s SUBMIT button 
fails to work so I can’t actually get a message to them and they don’t publish 
an email address for getting help, only a 0845 number which puts you in a queue 
for hours on end. 0 out of 10 for effort, EE. If I wasn’t tied into a contract 
with them I’d be off like a shot to someone who actually wants a customer.

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