Post Scriptum:

The language of the meeting will be Italian, international session in the
afternoon (so far Dave Park 16:00 local time) will be in English with
translation to the partecipants as needed

Best regards


-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Ql-Users [] Per conto di Davide
Inviato: sabato 17 maggio 2014 11:12
Oggetto: [Ql-Users] QL Meeting 2014 - Italy: -1 day

Hi All,

This is the last reminder for the QL Italian meeting which will be held on
Sunday 18th of May in Modena, Via Tacito 65. 

Start time will be 10:30 - lunch break between 13:00-14:30 (tentative) then
afternoon session from 14:30 till 17:30. 

There will be an international session via skype tele and videoconference in
the afternoon. So far a time slot is booked by Dave Park who will present
its current and future QL products at 16:00 Italian time (UTC/GMT +2 hours).

Should you like either to present something or just to connect to the
international skype session please let me know privately and I will provide
the skype address to join (of course till the bandwith and skype will

Should you have anything which you would like to be advertised or shown
during the meeting (leaflet, video, web site...) just pass the details by
private email and I will take care for paper copies or whatever is needed as
far as possible. I am thinking to everybody, i.e. Quanta, private users who
have something for sale or are looking for something, big QL corporations
etcetera :-)

Should you have any Italian users in your address book I would be glad if
you could forward this email as not all Italian QL users subscribe to the
Italian Sinclair QL mailing list.

For urgent matters my cell phone is +39 328 9454484

Best regards


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