> On December 3, 2014 at 8:42 PM Norman Dunbar <nor...@dunbar-it.co.uk> wrote:
> Christmas is coming,
> Norm is getting fat,
> Time to put something,
> In everyone's hat!
> Ok, I'll stop doing the "poetry"!
> Edition 2 of the eMagazine is in progress, there's still time to sign up
> if you haven't already, but what I have managed to do is take all the
> previous articles that were published in QL Today over the many years,
> and merge them together (with George's corrections of course!) into a
> small PDF book of about 300 odd pages.
> The various ASCII Art diagrams have been redone as "dot" files which
> then get converted to png images with Graphviz. A nice tool when yo can
> get your head around it! You describe the diagram you want and it draws
> it for you.
> All the linked list images and such like have been changed to proper
> images now.
> The original articles have been run through a tool called db2latex which
> takes my original source files in Docbook XML format, and spits out a
> pile of "latex" files (pronounced Lay-tech, as in a Scottish loch as
> opposed to an English lock!)
> These were modified slightly to add captions etc to the diagrams and
> (most of) the tables, then typeset with pdfLatex to produce the book you
> will find at:
> http://qdosmsq.dunbar-it.co.uk/downloads/QLToday/QL_Assembly.pdf.
> I hope you enjoy it. I know from some of the feedback I've received
> since March (yes, it really was back in March that issue 1 came out!)
> that some people wanted a beginners' section. Hopefully this helps!
> Happy (early) Christmas and/or whatever Winter festival you celebrate.
> Cheers,
> Norm.

Many thanks Norm - a huge amount of re-reading there as I enjoyed your original
articles - it is nicely laid out and easy to pick out the actual assembly
listings which is useful.

Rich Mellor
RWAP Software
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