En/Je/On 2014-12-03 20:42, Norman Dunbar escribió / skribis / wrote :

> The various ASCII Art diagrams have been redone as "dot" files which
> then get converted to png images with Graphviz. A nice tool when yo
> can get your head around it! You describe the diagram you want and
> it draws it for you.

I've used Graphviz for several projects. It's great but tricky as you

> The original articles have been run through a tool called db2latex
> which takes my original source files in Docbook XML format,

Do you edit DocBook XML files directly?! Have you tried the AsciiDoc
format?  It's an ASCII light markup representation of DocBook. The
original implementation of AsciiDoc (http://asciidoc.org/) is written in
Python. There's a more recent one in Ruby, Asciidoctor
(http://asciidoctor.org). It's backward compatible with the AsciiDoc
format, but adds many new features; and the engine is much faster and

> http://qdosmsq.dunbar-it.co.uk/downloads/QLToday/QL_Assembly.pdf.

Impressive. Many thanks, Norman.

Marcos Cruz
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