On 29/10/2015 11:03, Bob Spelten wrote:

This weekend I came across the sad announcement that Dutch programmer Dr. Ir. Carlo Delhez had died a week before. He was only 48. He was a familiar name among Sinclair users. He wrote programs for ZX & QL computers, both commercial and freeware. Among them Coral Basic - an extension bringing SuperBASIC to the ZX81 - and ZX emulators for the QL and PC. His Ungif tool has seen regular use on my systems. He was not a club member nor a regular visitor at meetings but I remember talking to him in Eindhoven briefly, about 20 years ago, a very nice person and full of new ideas.

Our thoughts are with Carlo's family.


This is indeed sad. I never met Carlo, but I did have contact with him sending him Dutch and English word lists for his QLingo program, way back in 1995. He was probably not so well known outside the Netherlands, but he did produce some interesting software.

I am currently doing a massive task of sorting out my QL floppies to decide which need copying to a more modern medium. I came across Carlo's disk and thought I must have a look at it again. Unfortunately some of the programs do not seem compatible with QPC2,

Best Wishes,


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