On 17/01/16 11:54, pjwitte wrote:
Of course the perfect scenario is not possible today (viz dream 1), but
it might be possible to come pretty close. Perhaps I should think this
through and do some tests rather than throw it all out here? But just
out of interest what dyall think?

A. A base unit sporting a widely supported Linux distro. Using a VM box
with W2k for running some QL/SMSQ emulator. A second VM running Linux or
some Windoze configured as unit 2, and a third VM for unit 3.

Sounds pretty much like this laptop I'm using now. It's got Linux Mint 17.3 64 bit as the host OS, 8GB RAM and a Core 2 processor of some kind. It was the top of the range when I bought it, but about a week after I did so, the i3, i5 and i7 came out. Typical!

I run everything in Linux - email, browsing, Office stuff, PCB design, document processing (for the Assembly Mailing List etc), QPC, programming, Copying my DVDs to the network drive, ripping my CDs for my music player (Astell & Kern AK100) and so on. At least, it does when I have time!

I also have about 6 different VirtualBox Guest VMs running assorted flavours of Linux with Oracle 11gR2 installed on each - for my various work needs - and one, pretty much unused Windows 7 VM, for the extremely odd occasion when I have to test a new version of QStripper, or similar. I think I have an old 32 bit XP VM as well, I'll have to check!

I definitely need a bigger hard drive though, I only have 500Gb and it's pretty much nearly all gone.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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