Just days ago I experienced the same. In my case QPC2 was still in the Windows 
Task Manager. I killed it there and then a fresh start opened the QXL.win and 
properly booted up.

In my case I got the same problem day by day. After investigating it looks like 
there's a bug in QPAC2 Files which causes SMSQ/E to freeze.


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 18.03.2016 um 16:12 schrieb Bob Spelten <b...@upcmail.nl>:
> Hi All,
> Today, while working in QPC2 on my W$7 system, SMSQ/E suddenly froze.
> No mouse movement, no keys and Sysmon had stopped.
> I could kill the QPC2 task with the [x] button but it would not restart my 
> boot.
> QPC2 & SMSQ/E do start but WIN1_ cannot be mounted anymore ("not found").
> I then checked this with another QPC2 but the QXL.WIN could not be mounted 
> with WIN_DRIVE there too. SMSQmulator however, where it's normally mounted as 
> WIN7_, reports it as "read only" but I can list the files and view their 
> contents.
> In W$7 I can View the .WIN file (Total Commander /View) but when mounting 
> that directory with DOS_DRIVE in QPC2, viewing the .WIN file from QPAC2/Files 
> gave an "in use" error.
> My other .WIN drives there are OK.
> Does anyone know what happened here and how I can fix this?
> There was a channel to a BDAS file open on WIN1_ at the time but this has 
> never been a problem when SuQcess2 crashed in the past. Never lost a _dbs 
> that way.
> Bob
> -- 
> The BSJR QL software site at: http://members.upc.nl/b.spelten/ql/
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