Op Sun, 20 Mar 2016 10:23:27 +0100 schreef Derek Stewart <de...@q40.de>:
This sounds like a Windows Feature or bug?
W$ is often very busy in the background, not clear to me what with.
Recently I have noticed sometimes a delay when opening Files before the
list is produced.
Is that W$ putting QPC2 on hold? Who knows.
I have never had a lockup of SMSQ/E since using a Gold Card Version in
the mid 1990s
That seems a remarkable record. Seems impossible when developing programs,
so mostly when it happens to me, I can blame my code.
I use Linux and SMSQmulator, QPC2, QEmulator and they have never locked
out any WIN drives.
I have a fresh Linux machine set up and QPC2 seems even to be faster
there. But so far it's only been a quick test. Migrating is not something
I want to do in the middle of a project and it's not so simple when I have
direct access to most of my data on W$ from QPC2.
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