On 23/06/16 19:39, Derek wrote:

Great work, and multi platform is really excellent.
These days it's the only way to fly. After all, I'm a Linux user myself. I only ever use Windows at works, or if I absolutely have to do something with my wife's laptop - which has Windows Satanic version installed - 8.1!

I noted that you use Github, I wad going start QL software projects, like 
SQLite, GCC etc... Could this added to your Github.
They could be added to my git hub account, but if you wanted to do work on them, you'd have to fork my repository, clone it to your laptop or whatever, do work, push back to your fork, raise a pull request to have me merge it into my repository and then you would have to have a "remote" set up on your local repository so that you could then update your local from "origin/master" and push that back to your fork.

Simple eh?

You would be better setting up your own account and creating your repositories.

As I do not want to have lots of QL Gits around.
Too late! They are all over this list! ;-)

Speaking as a QL Git myself that is.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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