
In the good old days, that is 1995ish... SMSQ/E was available for the Super 
Gold or Gold Card on a QL motherboard, with standard QL colours and resolution.

Nasta designed the Aurora and a 4 colour  version of SMSQ/E was released that 
used the higher resolutions of the Aurora.

There was talk of the 256 colours on the Aurora, but this did not appear till 
Marcel wrote Aurora Colour drivers.

So as I mentioned earlier, SMSQ/E Gold is for a Super/Gold Card on a QL 
motherboard, the Aurora version could be 4 colours with high resolution, SMSQ/E 
256 Colour is Aurora 256 colours with high Resolution.

The QXL, with SMSQ 4 resolution standard QL colours & SMSQ/E with same 
resolutions and high colour mode like QPC2 & Qx0... 

-----Original Message-----
From: "inkub...@tiscali.it" <inkub...@tiscali.it>
Sent: ‎04/‎12/‎2016 14:53
To: "ql-us...@q-v-d.com" <ql-us...@q-v-d.com>
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] smsqeXXX_binaries

Il 04/12/2016 10.21, Derek Stewart ha scritto: 

> Both versions:
SMSQ/E Gold, SMSQ/E 256 Colours need a Super/Gold Card to run.

 But are
there somebody (except me) who is using SMSQ/E on a real-QL or Aurora
system, instead of only on emulators?

My system is as follows:
 - SuperGoldCard
 - 1 FDD ED (Mitsubishi)
 - Qubide with 2 HDD
 - PC keyboard (connected to SH)
 - serial mouse (connected
to SH)

 There is a big bug in SMSQ/E versions for Aurora (also I think
for QL+(S)GC) higher than 2.91
 DD Floppy disks are not read/written

Only HD and ED floppy disks works

 This is a big handicap especially
for retro-compatibility with older floppy interfaces.



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