Op Sun, 04 Dec 2016 15:53:14 +0100 schreef <inkub...@tiscali.it>:

Il 04/12/2016 10.21, Derek Stewart ha scritto:

Both versions:
SMSQ/E Gold, SMSQ/E 256 Colours need a Super/Gold Card to run.

But are there somebody (except me) who is using SMSQ/E on a real-QL or Aurora
system, instead of only on emulators?

My system is as follows:
 - SuperGoldCard
 - 1 FDD ED (Mitsubishi)
 - Qubide with 2 HDD
 - PC keyboard (connected to SH)
 - serial mouse (connected to SH)

 There is a big bug in SMSQ/E versions for Aurora (also I think
for QL+(S)GC) higher than 2.91 DD Floppy disks are not read/written

Only HD and ED floppy disks works

 This is a big handicap especially
for retro-compatibility with older floppy interfaces.

I have a similar setup.
And I think you are right, I am just not sure it's limited to the GC/Aurora versions. DD support seems to be broken since 2.91, which I would use for any DD formatting.
Reading usually works but saving or formatting hangs the system.
Also I find ED less reliable and use QDOS for formatting them.

I once promised Wolfgang L. to really test this on my platforms but have so far not found the time to do so. My main platform is now QPC2 with HD but floppies are not much used these days.


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