On 7 March 2017 at 16:56, Dilwyn Jones <dil...@evans1511.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

Apart from the obvious historical interest of BASICODE and the sofware you
> wrote, it would be useful to document vectors etc concerning editing basic
> programs and syntax checking. And if you have gone as far as to do a
> commented disassembly of the TK2 ED command, for example, that might be
> very useful too. For example, comparing the code in SMSQ/E might help show
> the differences and where common code could be used too if the structure of
> SuperBASIC and SBASIC is not too different.

There is little documentation in the source I'm afraid, as I did little
commenting in those years :-(. However it should not be too difficult to
understand the working of these vectors from a JS or Minerva disassembly.
I'm also not sure whether the reason why it did not work on SBASIC is due
to the usage of these vectors or other hardware-dependent code (in fact I
got a nice lockup, probably due to corruption somewhere).

> The reason this springs to mind was that on the QL Forum online chat last
> night, we were discussing Tim Swenson's SSB (Structured SuperBasic system).
> While it's a nice, simple little development system for BASIC programmers,
> one thing it doesn't do is check syntax.

I could be wrong, but AFAIK SBASIC doesn't put a MISTake keyword in front
of a 'bad line' which has been loaded from a file. Which makes it harder to

> Dare I say it (I can live in hope) that such documentation might one day
> help us get some form off IDE (a development environment) for better Basic
> program development. ED and even using a text editor is absolutely fine,
> but when it comes to developing the larger BASIC programs I do sometimes
> feel we are in need of some form of integrated development environment. OK,
> I'll accept that probably if I'm talking in terms of such major programming
> effort, I'm probably using the wrong language in the first place, but hey,
> if the information is there, let's keep it and use it.

Yes an IDE would be great. It could probably be something in the form of a
shell like W*nd*ws Explorer or a 'Norton Commander' lookalike, which can
execute an editor or SBASIC job. I could probably adapt QED if I'd had the
time, but interfacing with SBASIC will be difficult as that is a
self-contained environment (you cannot call the parser from another job,
unless perhaps when it's also an SBASIC job.


*Jan Bredenbeek* | Hilversum, NL | j...@bredenbeek.net
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