Thanks to everyone for your help.

I got it to work,


On Sat, Sep 9, 2017 at 1:15 PM, Bob Spelten via Ql-Users <> wrote:

> Op Fri, 08 Sep 2017 19:59:28 +0200 schreef Daniel Baum via Ql-Users <
> Hi all,
>> I am trying to get my head around EasyPtr (again).
>> I have been playing with the new ability to create resizable windows. This
>> turns out to be not terribly difficult, and I was able to create a
>> resizable version of the calculator from Norman Dunbar's tutorial without
>> suffering too much.
>> However, creating a freely resizable version of QBase is dependent on
>> being
>> able to read the size of the newly resized window.and its components. I
>> have been unable to find any obvious way to do this.
>> Does anyone know how this is accomplished?
>> I use the following routine after every move or resize.
> It has the advantage of returning the actual values, because calculated
> values given to MDRAW for a new position or size can be adjusted by WMAN2.
> That may make X even and will always keep the window inside the screen,
> including shadow spaces.
> ::
>  DEFine PROCedure MENU_XYS (kanal%,wdef,xs%,ys%,xo%,yo%)
>  REM >>> get coords of current outline channel
>   wdef= MWDEF(#kanal%) : REM >>> get address working definition
>   xs%= PEEK_W(wdef +32): ys%= PEEK_W(wdef +34) : REM >>> get size
>   xo%= PEEK_W(wdef +36): yo%= PEEK_W(wdef +38) : REM >>> get position
>  ::
> Bob
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