> on dbas manual i've found an alternative description of the header..
>    Type  Length   Name      Contents
>    2     -        LENGTH    File Length
>    1     -        TYPE      File access *256+ file type
>    2     -        DATA      Dataspace size - EXECutable type
>    2     -        OFFSET    GST Linker "OFFSET" value
>    0     36 char  NAME$     File name
>    2     -        UPDATE    Update date
>    1     -        VERSION%  Version number
>    1     -        FILE%     File number
>    2     -        BACKUP    Backup date (not used)
> I'm more and more confused…. :-(

This is the definite version from the SMSQ/E source code:

* file header structure

hdr_flen equ    $00     ; long    File LENgth
hdr_accs equ    $04     ; byte    access control byte
hdr_type equ    $05     ; byte    file TYPE
hdrt.exe equ      1       ; executable
hdrt.rel equ      2       ; relocatable
hdrt.ldr equ      3       ; loader re-locatable file
hdrt.pfm equ      7       ; proforma/prowess types
hdrt.dir equ      $ff     ; directory
hdr_info equ    $06     ; 8*bytes additional information
hdr_data equ    $06     ; long    program DATA space
hdr_xtra equ    $0a     ; long    extra info
hdr_name equ    $0e     ; string  file name (up to 36 characters long)
hdr.nmln equ      36
hdr_date equ    $34     ; long    update date
hdr_vers equ    $38     ; word    version number
hdr_flid equ    $3a     ; word    File ID
hdr_bkup equ    $3c     ; long    backup date
hdr_end  equ    $40             ; end of header

Contrary to my previous mail hdr_accs is defined by SMSQ/E as the DOS
attributes for the file. My DOS device also uses it this way.

dos.ro   equ      $01   ;               read only
dos.hidf equ      $02   ;               hidden file
dos.sysf equ      $04   ;               system file
dos.vol  equ      $08   ;               volume label
dos.subd equ      $10   ;               subdirectory
dos.updt equ      $20   ;               file is updated

I don't think these attributes (like read-only) are actively enforced
for QL devices, however.

The only known use for hdr_xtra is on SMSQ/E files that can be
LRESPRed, in this case it holds the SMSQ/E version (hdr_data is 4 for
these files)


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