Thierry Godefroy wrote:
> In fact, I found out today that by increasing the sample rate to 1260 (from
> the 1200 I used so far) on the OSSC, I could get it to output a 1024x512
> (without scan doubling) or 2048x1024 (with it) resolution in the 480p HDMI
> signal format... and the good news is that the monitor accepts it !

What does the OSSC do then...

a) scale 512 to 480 vertical pixels?
b) somehow make the monitor display a 512 pixel signal?
c) just output 480 pixels, and 32 lines are lost?

>> I have been generating 1024x768 @ 60 Hz DVI/HDMI directly from $5 FPGA
>> with only moderate overclocking, maybe that leads to a better Q60
>> solution one day.
> Very interesting, since the best solution would indeed be to gain a
> standard resolution output on the Q60.

My personal preference would be a solution that includes more VRAM, so
it is not interpolated, but an actually usable resolution.

Besides lack of time and the BGA soldering issue, I remain unsure if
such a massive board modification is appropriate for a historic computer.

A lot depends on the question, what do we actually prefer today: Keeping
the historic machine alive, or any 68060 machine that has decent video
and runs SMSQ/E?

>> At the moment I still struggle with manual BGA soldering.
> I never tried that myself... There are a few interesting videos on
> Youtube about it, in particular this one:

Using a hot air gun like in that video looks even more difficult than
the IR lamp I'm experimenting with.

All the best
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