Hi Derek,


The Config Block values are:


So the Q68 may not find the WIN1 QWA container file.

Fair enough - if you look at the source code, you will note that most of the changes were made there already. I now traced this problem to the program I use to make new versions of SMSQE, which reconfigures the resulting file wrongly. I've corrected this and the next versions will be configured to your taste.

On the other hand all you need to do to update the file automatically

EW menuconfig;"\q\uQ68_SMSQ.WIN" which

which I think isn't THAT hard.

Also the SD card speed is defaulting 40Mhz , which on normal SD Cards causes a 
lockup. Needs to be 20Mhz or NO in the defaults.

Just what do you call normal SD cards? I have yet to find an SDHC card that doesn't work with my Q68 at 40MHz. But, of course, YMMV. I'd be interested in the make and model of your cards.

Note that, if you have a version of the Q68 "Rom" that doesn't implement the higher speed, SMSQ/E will not try to use the higher speed....

One other strange thing is the Q68_SMSQ.WIN file has the English Menu_Rext and 
German Menuconfig.

Yes, that will be corrected also.

I have already reported this to Wolfgang

Indeed you have.

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