Wolfgang Lenerz via Ql-Users wrote:

> In other words: SMSQE checks the version of hardware you have. If it 
> doesn't allow higher speed, SMSQ/E doesn't even try to use that - even 
> if it is configured to do so.

Maybe statements like that have been misread. The FPGA knows nothing
about the SD card. SMSQ/E can just find out, if the FPGA has the
capability to generate a higher clock. But not if higher clock is
actually allowed.

A cards capability for higher clock - if it exists at all - is not
checked and initialized by SMSQ/E in a theoretically correct way. And
Wolfgang is really not to blame for that, as we were not even able to
obtain the necessary documentation.

So the higher clock speed is always simply outside the SD specs! Maybe
hardware-wise, maybe software-wise, maybe both. We just "tried and it
worked for some cards".

>> A save feature to use is 16 bit access to SD cards introduced in FPGA
>> version 1.02 and higher. SMSQ/E automatically detects this.
> In about the same way as for the higher speed...

But unlike the higher clock speed, this is a safe feature! Tt never uses
the SD card outside the specs. By the way, I regret that I did not make
it 32 bits wide.

All the best
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