On 14.4.2024, at 20:37, Peter Graf wrote:

Ah, a MacOS 10.4 user? In order to still run 68K Mac programs?
Did you still keep TenFourFox up-to-date be compiling it yourself?

No, I have the last "official" version (2021, I think).
I do not compile anything (but I have heard, there is some way to compile more up-to-date FireFox).

On 15.4.2024, at 14:32, Norman Dunbar via Ql-Users wrote:

Try this link https://github.com/NormanDunbar/ QLAssemblyLanguageMagazine/blob/master/Issue_012/ Assembly_Language_012.pdf and if that doesn't work, does "wget" fetch it?

For some reason this does not work.
But will help, I'm on the way to sort out.
Thank You.
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