On 12/17/2000 at 3:09 PM Dilwyn Jones wrote:

>>>Does anyone know how to get the statistics for how much space you've
>>>used of the 50MB allocation? I'm a bit worried about going over the
>>>limit and getting charged for the privilidge! If there's a lot of
>>>space left (and short of adding up the lengths of all the files on
>>>there...yuk... I don't really know how!) I may put a lot more QL
>>>software there as it's quite compact. I seem to be amassing a great
>>>deal of QL freeware at the moment as I finish the emulators CD.
>>Probably your ISP has got a way of giving you the total space used
>>the space still free.
>>A simple way on your own machine would be to keep all the HTML pages,
>>GIF's, files, etc, that make up your site; in one folder and look at
>>size of the folder.
>>I find the latter works fine for me ...
>There's too many files for that to work, it'd be chaos! At the moment,
>apart from counting up all the file sizes ( it would be easy to write
>a SuperBASIC program to do that actually if the website was done on a
>QL!), the only way I can reliably work it out is to dump the folder
>containing all the website and its subdirectories to CD or Zip
>cartridge and working it out from the maximu capacity minus free
Dump the folder into a folder on your PC (if you haven't already done
that), right-click on the folder and then click on properties. It will
display how many files/dirs there are (including all subdirs) and the total


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