In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Darren Branagh
>Tarquin Mills wrote:-
>> >The Quanta sub-group in Norfolk is now called ACCUS - Anglia Classic
>> >Computer Users Society. Now have a small website at:
>> >
>> >We want to have a mailing list for our members to keep in contact, I
>> >was asked whether Quanta provides mailing list hosting? ACCUS is
>> >thinking of arranging a computer show/QL Workshop for East Anglia
>> >later in the year, are you interested in coming/do you think this is
>> >a good idea?
>To which Tony replied:-
>>Add me to the list.
>I'll second that - I'd love to do a Show in Norfolk for a change!!
>I don't think QUANTA do mailing list hosting (check but 
>you can easily start up your own at egroups or some similar web based forum.
>Keep us all posted on a suggested date for the QL Workshop.

Good luck with the planning.

A new venue gives a different group of users easier access to a show.

I need to plan a London one again for this year.  Although I don't know
when or where as yet :-)

Malcolm Cadman

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