>>..I couldn't get jpeg viewing to work BUT that may be because I was
using an
>>older version of Photon with QPC2v2, probably not the best
>That has nothing to do with it, the problem is photon is being
invoked by
>Turbo's EXECUTE command which is passing two negative long words (not
>ID's) on its stack. The old photon will not accept channel ID's
unlike the new
>one, but that's academic, what the hell is Turbo putting negative ch
id's on the
>stack? Much Trubo... Just try EXECUTE on other programs which are
expecting an
>option string (& maybe ch ID's?) and see what happens!

Sorry Dave, I remembered the correspondence about EXECUTE afterwards.

>>Assuming Dave Westbury gets Photon to work with GIFs as well as
>>as per his photon_txt then it will make an even more useful graphics
>>viewer. (Any news on that front Dave?)
>GIF is relatively simple compared to JPEG (and the fact it was
copyrighted is a
>joke/greed). When?, soon I hope (too many other distracting

I'll look forward to the next version of Photon :-)

Dilwyn Jones

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