At 12:25 μμ 6/7/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>Yes, they are meant to be viewed on a QL.
>There are several PC to QL file transfer programs available (Discover
>from Dave Walker running on a QL, WXQT2 and WXQLTool from Jonathan
>Hudson both running on Windows or Linux systems, plus QLTools, a DOS
>command line driven QL/PC disk file transfer utility among many other
>such programs).

I believe he was also referring to how he is going to get unzip since he is 
using a PC (Dataspace hence lost).
Now I don't remember where to get it, but there is a version of unzip that 
is self-extracting and comes with a basic program that will overcome the 
dataspace problem. Once you get that you're good to go :-)

>The DOC files can be difficult, as they are in Quill (a QL
>wordprocessor) format. You would need a program like Norman Dunbar's
>Windoze Stripper program (look out for the little Easter Egg in that
>program and make sure there's no women about when you find it) to
>convert them to plain text to view on a PC. The text files mostly have
>QL-style linefeed characters (chr$ 10 only) at the end of a line, you
>would need to add a carriage return (CHR$ 13) to each line to sensibly
>view them on a PC, although Wordpad in Windoze can sometimes cope with
>such text files.
    * Also most good decompressors for the PeeCee have what they call an 
"Internal File Viewer" which will show you the file as it was intended to 
be seen :-)

>Dilwyn Jones
>Nicholas Ashby wrote:
> >Dilwyn
> >
> >Like Paul, I have just acquired a QL (re-acquired actually as I used
>to have
> >one).
> >
> >Seen all the downloadable manuals and software on your web site.
> >
> >They all seem to be in QL format.
> >
> >I can only access your web site from a PC, so how do I either read
> >(manuals) on my PC or transfer them (software) to my QL (via floppy I
> >but they are different formats !?).
> >
> >Thanks for your (anyone's) help.

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