
Like Paul, I have just acquired a QL (re-acquired actually as I used to have

Seen all the downloadable manuals and software on your web site.

They all seem to be in QL format.

I can only access your web site from a PC, so how do I either read them
(manuals) on my PC or transfer them (software) to my QL (via floppy I assume
but they are different formats !?).

Thanks for your (anyone's) help.


Nick Ashby
Aberdeen (currently)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dilwyn Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] re: As things are quiet..

> Paul Chapman wrote:
> >Many thanks to all who have responded already both on and off list.
> We like to think we can help on this list, we are very happy when
> someone new joins and STAYS with us!
> >Apart from the QL itself I do have an A4 folder entitled Sinclair QL
> >User Guide, two books by Robin Bradbeer namely 'Making The Most Of
> >The Sinclair QL' and 'Introducing The Sinclair QL', 'The Sinclair QL
> >Companion' by Boris Allen, 'QL SuperBasic' by Jan Jones and another
> >folder which seems to contain a photocopied version of 'Professional
> >and Business Uses of the QL' by Colin Lewis.
> Be a little bit wary of the 'QL Companion' by Boris Allen. It was
> written before the QL was launched and the specs of the QL changed a
> bit after the book was published.
> >Locksmith
> This was a microdrive cartridge copier program intended to help make
> backup copies of "protected" software on microdrive cartridges.
> >Editor 1
> As the name implies, a text editing program, good enough to use as a
> simple word processor, but takes some getting used to if you don't
> have instructions.
> >There is a black object measuring 7x3.5x2 cm with the wording
> >'Supertoolkit' and 'Care Electronics.  Is that meant to fit in the
> >'ROM' socket at the back?
> Yes, it is a set of extensions to the operating system and the BASIC
> interpreter. Many users now find SuperToolkit (or TK2 as we call it
> now) an essential add on for a QL, to the degree that many floppy disk
> interface cards for the QL (like the TrumpCard and Gold Card series)
> came with TK2 built in. The TK2 EPROM cartridge will be useful if you
> are using a microdrive only unexpanded QL. Copies of the SuperToolkit
> manual are available on my website for download if you need one.
> >There is a "QL TRUMP CARD 768K' by Miracle Systems but I have no
> >cables to attach that to anything as far as I can see.
> It can still be used without the plug in devices. It gives:
> Facility to add up to 2 floppy disk drives to the QL (uses the same
> floppy disk drives as the dear old BBC micro). A QL with floppy disk
> drives is much better (and more reliable) than a microdrive only
> system.
> Adds 768K of RAM memory to the QL's 128K, giving a total of 896K. This
> is well worth it even if you have no floppy disk drive, as extra
> memory boosts microdrive tape performance by holding copies of the
> cartridge in unused memory for faster access, these copies being known
> as 'slave blocks', a kind of data-caching arrangement.
> Adds SuperToolkit or TK2 to the system. You need to type in the
> command TK2_EXT from BASIC to activate it.
> Miracle Systems have kindly allowed me to place copies of their
> manuals on my website for those who need a replacement manual.
> >There is another 'thingy' about the same size as the above 'TRUMP...'
> >which has the lettering 'PCML Q+ DISK' but again no way to attach it.
> This is another disk interface expansion card, don't know if it has
> TK2 or extra memory or not.
> Both of these plug into the expansion slot on the left of the QL -
> remove the plastic cover and gently insert the card into the large
> socket you can see a few centimetres inside the QL.
> >No other cables came with it and I have yet to even power it up.  I'm
> >wondering what TV or monitor to use
> RGB monitors are best. It can also be used with TV sets with SCART
> connections, or via a TV aerial socket.
> >but will probably go the slightly
> >unusual route and use the screen of my Apple iMac.  I have a
> >digitiser for that which can accept all varieties of TV, VCR,
> >camcorder etc. inputs and it could be amusing to have the QL appear
> >in a window there.
> If you have an Apple Mac, you can also get a Sinclair QL Emulator to
> run on that, there is a program called QemuLator Lite by Daniele
> Terdina. You can find it via the QL websites links on my website.
> >OK, that's it for now and again many thanks for the enthusiastic
> >welcome...anyone would think you were desperate  :):):)
> We'd probably get desperate if it wasn't for our QLs ;-)
> Just think...the QL must have something going for it to attract new
> users a decade and a half after it was last manufactured.
> You may like to know that there are more modern QL compatibles too.
> Zeljko Nastasic of Croatia designed a motherboard called the Aurora
> (sold by Qubbesoft P/D) in Britain, and Peter Graf has built one
> called the Q40 (and a more recent one called Q60). There have been
> other attempts at QL compatibles too over the years, few of them still
> going.
> Welcome to the list, Paul, don't be she about asking questions. We get
> a bit technical at times, but we like to help less experienced users
> too.
> --
> Dilwyn Jones
> http://www.soft.net.uk/dj/index.html

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