On Dimanche 29 Juillet 2001 12:43, Tony Firshman wrote:

> >No, its worse
> >Would Kit Lester please tell me when he intends to take his next
> >holidays, that way we can all go off at the same time and avoid his
> >daily mails.
> .../...
> I even emailed him personally last time telling him about the chaos he
> is causing .. but no reply when he returned. 
> .../...
> One easy solution would be to unsubscribe him,

This is exactly what I was considering !  His unrespectful behaviour
deserves such a severe measure indeed !    >:-(

> and send him the months archives on his return.

No need for this, the whole mailing list (including his stupid auto-
responses) is automatically archived at:

So, could the list maintainer unsubscribe him ?


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