-----Original Message-----
From: Dilwyn Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Virus

>> Sadly, I have to put up with downloading a 100K work or
>> virus first, look at the email address, then tell my software to block
>> further ones. Gneerally, they never aarrive fromt he ssame place
>> twice.

OK, I might be able to help here - although I'm sure that there are
other/better things available - the list shall inform !

A project that I have in mind, sorry but it is Windows based, is a small
email filter type program which allows you to connect to the mail server at
your ISP, and download the HEADERS of your emails first of all - so any 100
Gigabyte :o) attachments, or files with double extensions - xxx.xls.exe or
similar - can be spotted before downloading. Any unwanted emails can then be
deleted from the server BEFORE you download them.

I know that there are a lot of web based interfaces to email nowadays, but
if I get my act together, this can hopefully be used to filter out the crap
- I'm sure I can build in a 'auto delete from this address' facility.

I only have an 'almost working' prototype at the moment, but if you are
interested you know who to call.

Oh, did I mention, that like Stripper 2 for Windows, this will be free ?


Norman Dunbar           EMail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Database/Unix administrator     Phone:  0113 289 6265
Lynx Financial Systems Ltd.     Fax:    0113 201 7265
                        URL:    http://www.LynxFinancialSystems.com

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