At 08:38 μμ 1/11/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>Norman Dunbar wrote:
> >
> > Bill,
> >
> > when (!) it happens again, try finding and deleting either win.bat or
> > I think, if I remember correctly, the installer looks for these
> > files and barfs because it thinks it has an OS already and the type of
> > install disc is for a new pc. Alternatively, delete the windows directory
> > (from a DOS session) and reboot with the CD in the drive.
> >
>Thanks Norman, Joe Miller told me something like that ( .bat files I
>I don't have a CD driver on disk ( that I can find ) so DOS don't know I
>have a CD, the windows start up I made would not work for some reason, I
>think the trouble had to do with the hard disk, I had to swap it into
>the D drive position to get it to format.
>All this because Windows on the hard drive would not install MS works.
>I think I'm stuck with Win98, just got tired of giving Bill £80 each
>all the best - Bill

You do NOT need CD drivers. You set your PCs bios to boot from CDROM and 
the W98 CD is bootable (provided that's not a crap copy.... y'know what I 
mean ;-)


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