Hi Dilwyn,

Do you not mean The QDOS/SMS Technical Guide...

Yes I read the manual and found the system variable, SYS_IFPU which returns
4 for a FPU

On the Q60-66, SYSBASE($A1) = 257 or 0110101

Which gives:
                    the high nibble to be 0110 = 6 for a 68060
                    the low nibble to be 0101

Which if you look in the Tech Guide, it says $4 for FPU, $ 1 for MMU, so the
Q60-66 has a FPU and MMU according to the values returned from system
variables which is correct.

So it looks like there is a way to detect the FPU in SMSQ/E.

But there is no builtin function to find the base of the System Variables, I
use PDTK which I think you will agree is very good.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dilwyn Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] 680xx FPU Idenitications

> To quote from the Atari ST-QL handbook:
> "You can find out which processor is runnign the system by having a
> look at the system variable SYS_PTYP ($A1). The high nybble contains
> the processor type, which is $0x for a 68000, $1x for a 68010, $2x,
> $3x and $4x for 68020 to 68040, $6x for 68060. The low nybble contains
> information about floating point co-processors. If it is 0, no FPU is
> installed. A value of 1 means any of the coprocessor cards for STs or
> MegaSTEs (like the SFP 004 card, the Mega STE FPU). A value of 2
> stands for a real coprocessor implementation, but it is not known if
> it is a 68881 or a 68882. 4 means that a 68881 is defintely available,
> whereas 6 means the same for the 68882. Finally a value of 8 means
> that the 68040 FPU is available.
> The system variable SYS_MTYP ($A7) gives details about the machine."
> Experiment a bit with the MACHINE and PROCESSOR extensions in SBASIC
> to find out what other clues they give you. I don't think there's a
> definitive list of values, they seem to appear in the separate SMSQE
> manauals for each machine, perhaps Jochen or Marcel can give us a
> definitive list?
> --
> Dilwyn Jones
> http://www.soft.net.uk/dj/index.html
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derek Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 25 November 2001 12:54
> Subject: [ql-users] 680xx FPU Idenitications
> >Hi,
> >
> >What is the best way to determine if a 680xx has a FPU in it, as most
> QXLs
> >have 680EC40 without a FPU, although a 680RC40 can be fitted.
> >
> >The Q40 has a 680RC40 in with FPU
> >
> >Super gold cards have a 68020 no FPU ??
> >
> >Q60 can have a 66Mhz FPU CPU or 80Mhz None FPU CPU.
> >
> >From an applications point of with, how does a program know if the
> floating
> >point unit is fitted into the 680xx chip.
> >
> >Since the Q60-80  (80Mhz) has no floating point unit in it, is the
> flaoring
> >maths faster with a software version of it loaded in.
> >
> >Derek Stewart
> >
> >

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