On  Sat, 22 Dec 2001 at 22:53:40,  John Hitchcock wrote:
(ref: <011401c18b3b$9fb5aee0$3182fea9@johns>)

>Remember sunny April and -
>"Ello Dave", I said on the blower, "Gotta a little one for you".
>Dave is a linguist.  He knows Latin and all that stuff.  "Where
>did the Romans get their idea for 'Londinium'? Any Ideas?" I continued.
>"Dunno" came the reply -" but I know a man who does".
>Yes! it's the season for another Dave ("his and hers QL Dave") and Latin
>Dave was recently in a "Latin Inscriptions" theme pub - somewhere in UK.
>Well educashun's not jist fower ansrin queschuns on the QL list.  Its so's
>yu carn injoy yerself darn the pub - innit?
>Tri as ee wood, there was wun learnid writin that ee just cudn fathom.
>Well, our Dave don't lyke to be beatun so ee rote it awl darn AND((send a
>copy to a vicar mate) renow-en-ed for grasp of Ancient Roman).  He had
>just done this win the penny dropped - and there it was, awl cleer innis
>ead. Of corse! it Z "Go now! before you wet your trousers..." !

>Aynee learnids on the list cair to azard wot the originull inscripshun
>sayd?  (Sorree, no prizis.)
A Latin word for 'Gents'
... but I failed Latin O level twice - my onlt one (8-)#
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