On  Fri, 4 Jan 2002 at 16:22:58,  Dexter wrote:

>Hi all,
>I've had at least half a dozen offers for machines by private email. Thank
>you! I'll reply individually tonight...
>I'm still looking for a schematic of the QL PCB.
See my homepage - Overseas price list.
> Also, the 8049 details.
More difficult - ask Laurence Reeves - lausATlausDOTdemonDOTcoDOTuk
>I'm thinking of prototyping a 680X0 board with the basic QL facilities,
>minus the dodgy serial and net ports, plus IDE. I have a strongarm design
>here which has USB and ethernet and I'm seeing if there's a way to take
>advantage of any of that knowledge. I'm not looking to manufacture
>anything, but if I come up with any *good* interface schematics I'll
>publish them.
>Also, the +5v is obvious, but if you ignore the net, serial and microdrive
>interfaces, was the +/-12v used anywhere else?
No - but it was not used for the network.
It was also connected (via resistors) to the two mdv data lines.
>Finally, on some QLs there was a variable capacitor (?) mid-board. What
>did it do? How was it set? It disappeared on later revision boards.
Issue 5 - it was to trim the real time clock

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