On Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:12:24 +0100 (MET)
Jerome Grimbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Christopher Cave makes some magical things to make me read
> } Would someone please point me in the direction of documentation 
> } on PIC files?
> From head to tail of file:
>  Word: width 
>  Word: height
>  Word: number of row (special, more later)
>  Byte: mode
>  Byte: Spare (but might be set to 64 to force mode 33 on some _piq file
>               such as the colorful papa512_piq)

But this only due to an mistake. Maybe I have distributed one of these with a certain 
pqiv archive.
I thought I had a fixed this.

BTW: I am working on a version that prints / saves images to a postscript file.
It's already working and you can print on any printer that is supported by Ghostscript 
for QDOS.
There is also the possibility to adjust size and position of the image to printed 
(mouse pointer driven).    
Currently this is in beta test.


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