Marcel wrote:

>> Theoretically it's possible to use Win printers under SMS if we just knew
>> what the 1@##!@$$% they were getting from the GDI...
>Of course this is possible. You just need to write a different driver
>for every printer and hey, we have printer support.
>Have fun. ;-)

Reminds my of USB. Not few folks think you just need "USB"
for SMSQ/E and - voila - you can use all USB devices.

BTW I fully support you in the idea of Postscript as the most
reasonable solution for our printer problem. (Use of postscript
could offer us even more, e.g. WYSIWYG preview, high-quality conversion
to PDF, bitmaps, and other formats - all under QDOS / SMSQ)

Main drawback is that postscript emulation will be mighty slow on any QL
style hardware without FPU - and quite memory hungry.

All the best


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